FAQ's about C-Guard Liquid Copper Antifoul

Here are some of the questions we are frequently asked about C-Guard Liquid Copper Marine Antifoul.

1. C-Guard sell resins by weight in kilos, how does this compare with other product which are sold in litres?

3 kilos of resin is equivalent to 1.25 litres. Take the price of Liquid Copper which is sold as a 3 kg pack for £70.50 incl VAT, this is equivalent to £56.40 per litre incl VAT or £47 per litre minus the VAT. This demonstrates how competitive our prices are.

2. How much Liquid Copper Antifoul do I need to coat the hull of my boat?

You first need to calculate the area to be coated, then calculate the number of packs required.

See our C-Guard Liquid Copper Antifoul coverage formula for more details.

See also our Guide to the application of C-Guard Liquid Copper Marine Antifoul, which also available as a PDF file in several languages.

3. In a tent erected around a hull, what sort of temperature is require to dry it out and how long will it take?

Use a tent by all means but allow a fresh air draught to do the job for you, the time taken will depend on the average relative humidity. Check progress with a moisture meter.

4. Which is the best solvent for removing grease from GRP?

Instead of using volatile solvents such as cellulose thinners, which are hazardous to both you and the environment, try a strong detergent solution such as our General Hull & Work Cleaner. It tends to 'kill' grease instead of thinning and spreading it as a thin film over the surface where it can act as a release agent. Contact us to purchase.

5. What's the best way to clean lay-up brushes of resin mix.

Use disposable brushes. The cost of solvent is usually more than the value of the brush. The corollary is you are being environmentally sensible!

6. I've some epoxy resin which is three years old. Is it safe to use?

Epoxies generally have a published storage life of 2 years but if you have a considerable amount it is worth mixing a sample in the correct proportions and leaving to cure for a day. If the system does cure to an infusible solid, then by all means go ahead.


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